The Tinker Blog

dnd ogl nonsense, what changes I am making because of it

D&D OGL Nonsense

Explaining some upcoming changes due to D&Ds changing open gaming license.

D&D OGL Nonsense

Explaining some upcoming changes due to D&Ds changing open gaming license.

inventory system vs made to order i discuss the pros and cons as i see them

Inventory System vs Made to Order

Why I have made a switch from Made to Order to an Inventory System.

Inventory System vs Made to Order

Why I have made a switch from Made to Order to an Inventory System.

how i plan for my small business

How I Plan for my Small Business

A few tips on how I organise my time.

How I Plan for my Small Business

A few tips on how I organise my time.

shop update added lots of new mugs

Shop Update

A whole load of new designs.

Shop Update

A whole load of new designs.

bye bye studio we are moving house

Bye Bye Studio

Moving house time.

Bye Bye Studio

Moving house time.

Change is good, it's time for a change, text with a rainbow

Change is Good

It is time to make some changes to what I am making and how I run my business

Change is Good

It is time to make some changes to what I am making and how I run my business